“Vote as You Shot”
“We Polked you in '44, We Shall Pierce you in '52.”
“Tilden or Blood!”
“Nothing to fear but fear itself”
“A New Deal”
“Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice."
“In your heart, you know he's right."
“In your guts, you know he’s nuts.”
“Contract With America”
“New Frontier”
“Morning in America”
“Great Society”
“No Child Left Behind”
“A Chicken in Every Pot…”
“Are You Better Off Than You Were Four Years Ago?”
“A Kinder, Gentler America”
“Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You…”
“54-40 or Fight”
“Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Speech, Free Men, and Fremont”
“Don't swap horses in the middle of the stream.”
“Blaine, Blaine, James G. Blaine, The Continental Liar from the State of Maine”
“He kept us out of war”
“Return to Normalcy”
“Keep cool with Coolidge”
“I Like Ike”
“He’s making us proud again”
“Building a bridge to the 21st century”
“Compassionate Conservatism”
“Yes We Can”
“Change We Can Believe In”
“Country First”
“No Fourth Term Either”
“Rum, Romanism and Rebellion”
“Sunflowers die in November”
“There are Two Americas”
“Turn the Rascals Out”
”We are turning the corner”
“We Want Willkie!”
“Had enough?”
“The Buck Stops Here”
“Every Man a King”
“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”